Anemone bleaching impacts the larval recruitment success of an anemone-associated fish

1st authorResearch Article
Besson M., Feeney W.E., Gache C., O’Brien D.A., Berthe C., Cowan Z-L., Brooker R.M.,Vincent Laudet V., Lecchini D.
Coral Reefs
Publication year: 2022

Towards the fully automated monitoring of ecological communities

1st authorOpinion/PerpectivesReview/Synthesis
Besson M., Alison J., Bjerge K., Gorochowski T.E., Høye T.T., Jucker T., Mann H.M.R., Clements C.F.
Ecology Letters
Publication year: 2022

A multifaceted assessment of the effects of polyethylene microplastics on juvenile gilthead seabreams (Sparus aurata)

1st authorResearch Article
Jacob H., Besson M., Oberhaensli F., Taylor A., Gillet B., Hughes S., Melvin S.D., Bustamante P., Swarzenski P.W., Lecchini D., Metian M.
Aquatic Toxicology
Publication year: 2021

Anthropogenic stressors impact fish sensory development and survival via thyroid disruption

1st authorResearch Article
Besson M., Feeney W.E., Moniz I., François L., Brooker R.M., Holzer G., Metian M., Roux N., Laudet V., Lecchini D.
Nature Communications
Publication year: 2020

Effects of Virgin Micro- and Nanoplastics on Fish - Trends, Meta-Analysis, and Perspectives

1st authorReview/Synthesis
Jacob H., Besson M., Swarzenski P., Lecchini D., Metian M.
Environmental Science & Technology
Publication year: 2020

Preferential adsorption of Cd, Cs and Zn onto virgin polyethylene microplastic versus sediment particles

1st authorResearch Article
Besson M., Jacob H., Oberhaensli F., Taylor A., Swarzenski P., Metian M.
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Publication year: 2020

Metal(loid)s in superficial sediments from coral reefs of French Polynesia

1st authorResearch Article
Besson M., Metian M., Bustamante P., Hédouin L.
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Publication year: 2020

Interplay between hormonal and morphological changes throughout a critical period of larval rearing in the orbicular batfish

1st authorResearch Article
Waqalevu V., Besson M., Gache C., Roux N., Fogg L., Bertucci F., Metian M., Lafille M-A., Maamaatuaiahutapu M., Gasset E., Saulnier D., Laudet V., Lecchini D.
Aquaculture Reports
Publication year: 2020

Fish larval recruitment to reefs is a thyroid hormone-mediated metamorphosis sensitive to the pesticide chlorpyrifos

1st authorResearch Article
Holzer G., Besson M., Lambert A., François L., Barth P., Gillet B., Hughes S., Piganeau G., Leulier F., Viriot L., Lecchini D., Laudet V.
Publication year: 2017

Exposure to agricultural pesticide impairs visual lateralization in a larval coral reef fish

1st authorResearch Article
Besson M., Gache C., Bertucci F., Brooker R.M., Roux N., Jacob H., Berthe C., Sovrano V.A., Dixson D.L., Lecchini D.
Scientific Reports 7: 9165
Publication year: 2017

Consistency in the supply of larval fishes among coral reefs in French Polynesia

1st authorResearch Article
Besson M., Gache C., Brooker R.M., Madi Moussa K., Waqalevu V.P., LeRohellec M., Jaouen V., Peyrusse K., Berthe C., Bertucci F., Jacob H., Brié C., Wan B., Galzin R., Lecchini D.
PLoS ONE 12(6): e0178795
Publication year: 2017

Disrupted downstream migration behaviour of European silver eels (Anguilla anguilla, L.) in an obstructed river

1st authorResearch Article
Besson M., Trancart T., Acou A., Charrier F., Mazel V., Legault A., Feunteun E.
Environmental Biology of Fishes, 99(10), 779–791
Publication year: 2016